PIP Points in 2025: Your Scoring Guide

Unlock the secrets of PIP points—how they work, what you need to qualify, and how PIPAssistant can boost your claim!

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Understanding PIP Points

In 2025, your PIP award hinges on points—8 for Standard rate, 12 for Enhanced—across Daily Living and Mobility activities. Here’s how you score them and what they mean for your claim.

How PIP Points Work

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) assesses your ability to perform 12 key activities—10 for Daily Living, 2 for Mobility. Each activity has descriptors (levels of difficulty) with points from 0 to 12. You score based on how your condition affects you over 50% of the time in a 12-month period. Need 8 points for Standard (£73.89–£76.91/week) or 12 for Enhanced (£110.40–£187.31/week) per component.

Daily Living Activities & Points

These 10 activities determine if you qualify for the Daily Living component:

Activity Descriptors & Points
Preparing Food 0: Unaided; 2: Needs aid/appliance or prompting; 4: Needs supervision/assistance; 8: Cannot cook
Taking Nutrition 0: Unaided; 2: Needs aid/prompting; 4: Needs encouragement; 6: Needs help with feeding; 10: Cannot feed self
Managing Therapy/Medication 0: Unaided; 1: Needs aid/prompting; 2: Needs supervision; 4: Needs assistance
Washing/Bathing 0: Unaided; 2: Needs aid/prompting; 4: Needs supervision/assistance
Managing Toilet Needs 0: Unaided; 2: Needs aid/prompting; 4: Needs assistance; 6: Incontinence (one); 8: Incontinence (both)
Dressing/Undressing 0: Unaided; 2: Needs aid/prompting; 4: Needs assistance (upper body); 8: Cannot dress
Communicating Verbally 0: Unaided; 2: Needs aid; 4: Needs support for complex info; 8: Cannot communicate
Reading/Understanding 0: Unaided; 2: Needs aid/prompting; 4: Needs assistance; 8: Cannot read
Engaging with Others 0: Unaided; 2: Needs prompting; 4: Needs social support; 8: Cannot engage
Making Budgeting Decisions 0: Unaided; 2: Needs prompting; 4: Needs assistance; 6: Cannot manage

Mobility Activities & Points

These 2 activities decide your Mobility component:

Activity Descriptors & Points
Planning/Following Journeys 0: Unaided; 4: Needs prompting; 8: Needs assistance; 10: Needs support for familiar routes; 12: Cannot follow any route
Moving Around 0: 50m+ unaided; 4: 20–50m with aid; 8: 20–50m unaided; 10: 1–20m; 12: Less than 1m or cannot move

Points in Action: Examples

  • Anxiety: If you need social support to talk face-to-face (e.g., panic attacks), you’d score 4 points for "Engaging with Others." Can’t leave home without help? That’s 12 points for "Planning/Following Journeys."
  • Arthritis: Struggling to walk 20–50m even with a stick? That’s 8 points for "Moving Around." Needing help to dress your upper body adds 4 points to Daily Living.
  • Diabetes Type 2: If you need prompting to manage insulin (e.g., forgetfulness), you’d get 2 points for "Managing Therapy." No mobility issues? 0 points there.
  • Incontinence: Managing bladder incontinence with help scores 6 points for "Managing Toilet Needs."
  • PTSD: Severe distress preventing any journey alone? That’s 12 points for "Planning/Following Journeys."

Maximize Your PIP Points with AI

Scoring enough points can be tricky. Our AI at PIPAssistant crafts precise answers for your PIP form, boosting your chances for up to £187.31 weekly in 2025.

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